Many of you might be wondering where your C4F mail is? Well thanks to some volunteers it will be going out this weekend! One or both of the boys has had fever/snotty nose since the end of last week. We want to send crafts, not germs. :) So whenever someone is sick, our policy is to not touch crafts. Some of the families we send them to have low immune systems and can't even have visitors. So do I think a snotty nose could travel via envelope? My answer is: why even risk it? Totally not worth it. All that to say we have some lovely volunteers that will stuff, address, stamp, seal, and mail off close to 80 smiles this weekend! Thank you!!
In our house we are thankful for snotty noses for a few reasons. While I would rather not any of us catch a cold there are some positives:
1. Braddock is always a snuggler by nature, Beckham on the other hand is not. Most of this week though, he has been saying, "Momma a snuggle" and crawling into my arms. So I take all the snuggling I can get, snot and all!
2. It is a great lesson for the boys to learn that God loves them very much and cares about something as small as their snotty nose. So we are able to pray for their colds and other friends with "big boo boo's" in the same prayer.
3. Thinking about my first 2 reasons from a momma's heart is such a great illustration of how God loves it when we just snuggle up to Him. We can give Him our smallest to largest worries, troubles, fears, challenges, joys and happiest moments. So I am thankful for snotty noses that make me realize we might have delayed mail and forgotten a couple of chores but taking time to snuggle up is so important. Especially for someone who loves us so much!
There were many families that did experience difficulty over the last few weeks. Another mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor, now the second young mom in less than a month that we are praying for, a family lost their grandmother, several friends had very important doctors appointments surrounding the next steps in their treatment plans, several experience difficulty in their current diagnosis and families with pending adoptions that are changing by the hour. Please know friends that even on days when you don't receive mail from us, WE ARE STILL PRAYING! We love you all and we are praying for you often! Mail will be arriving soon and it will be snot free!! :)
Erica aka "Momma"
and 2 sleeping snotty boys (Braddock and Beckham)
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