Sunday, March 24, 2013


It feels like we haven't made crafts in weeks! This Momma was out of commission for a little over a week with a kidney stone, too large to pass. So our great family stepped in and helped cared for the boys, house, and made sure Daddy was well fed. The boys would often run to the Art Room gate and shout "craft, craft!" So my sweet family, operating in foreign territory, would embark on a craft mission! So blessed to have a family and friends who are such a great support group. We pray for all our of "friends" and especially for their families and their support groups.

Tonight on Facebook we hit over 107 fans!! And with our largest mail out coming on Tuesday we are preparing to:
1. Ship internationally!!!
2. Ship to over 62 families
3. Ship to over 15 states
4. Take a long nap on Wednesday!

We are blessed beyond measure to pray for and make crafts for all of these sweet families! I'll be updating the blog with some fun news later this week and pictures from this weeks activities.

Thanks & God Bless!
Erica aka "Momma"